Bildflöde retro.robban Like retro computers and retro games. Haven't played much TV-games but collecting them because it were better when we were young. Hehe New in my Kixx Collection. Police Quest 3. For Pc. Tac-2 restoration. #retrorobban #retromancave #h I got hold of a boxed Vic-1541 Disk Drive. Super c Well, it might be the best movie ever, top 5 anywa One more Black Wii. 6 different Wiis. #retrorobba Feels like someone wants some attention. #retroro I finally got the Blue Wii. 5 different wiis. #re Finally i got a boxed one. Tack-2 Special Edition. New in my Kixx Collection. The Lineker Collection New in my Kixx Collection. Final Fight. For Amiga New in my Kixx Collection. Jack The Nipper. For C I got the Pearl White Gamecube today. Now I have 4 New in my Kixx Collection. Infiltrator. For C64. Got a new media, Police Academy 3 on VHD. Never se Tried: Sinbad and the Throne of the Falcon. On Com I got a Xbox Crystal today. I'm happy. 🙂 #retror Ladda mer… Följ på Instagram