Kixx var ett budgetföretag som var associerat med spelutgivaren U.S. Gold. Kixx var aktiv mellan 1986 – 1996.
A-10 Tank Killer
Dynamix 1989
Battlehawks 1942
Lucasfilm Games 1988
Cruise For A Corpse
Delphine Software International 1991
Cybercon III
U.S. Gold, 1991
Eye Of The Beholder I
Westwood Studios, 1991
Eye Of The Beholder II
The Legend Of Darkmoon. Westwood Studios, 1991
F-15 Strike Eagle II
Microprose, 1989
Future Wars
Delphine Software International, 1989
MicroProse 1986
Hoyle’s Official Book of Games
Volume 1. Sierra Entertainment, 1989
Hoyle’s Official Book of Games
Volume 2. Sierra Entertainment, 1990
Hoyle’s Official Book of Games
Volume 3. Sierra Entertainment, 1991
Indiana Jones
And The Last Crusade. Lucasfilm Games, 1989
Indiana Jones
And The Fate Of Atlantis. LucasArts, 1992
King´s Quest I
Quest for the Crown. Sierra On-Line, 1984
King´s Quest II
Romancing the Throne. Sierra On-Line, 1985
King´s Quest III
To Heir Is Human. Sierra On-Line, 1986
King´s Quest IV
The Perils Of Rosella. Sierra On-Line, 1988
King´s Quest V
Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder! Sierra On-Line, 1990
Knights Of The Sky
MicroProse 1990
Legends Of Valour
U.S. Gold, 1992
Leisure Suit Larry 1
in the Land of the Lounge Lizards. Sierra On-Line, 1987
Leisure Suit Larry 2
Goes Looking for Love (in Several Wrong Places). Sierra On-Line, 1988
Leisure Suit Larry 3
Passionate Patti in Pursuit of the Pulsating Pectorals Sierra On-Line, 1989
Access Software, 1992
Lucasfilm Games, 1990
M1 Tank platoon
MicroProse 1989
Maniac Mansion
Lucasfilm Games, 1987
Microplay Software, 1989
Midwinter II
Flames Of Freedom. MicroProse, 1991
Night Shift
Lucasfilm Games, 1990
Operation stealth
Delphine Software International, 1990
Microprose, 1987
Police Quest. 1
In Pursuit Of The Death Angel. Sierra On-Line, 1987
Police Quest 2
The Vengeance. Sierra On-Line, 1988
Police Quest 3
The Kindred. Sierra On-Line 1991
Quest for Glory II
Trial by Fire. Sierra On-Line 1990
Sabre Team
Krisalis Software, 1992
Space quest I
The Sarien Encounter. Sierra On-Line 1986
Space quest II
Vohaul’s Revenge. Sierra On-Line 1987
Space quest IV
Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers. Sierra On-Line 1991
Street Fighter II
Capcom, 1991
The Adventures of Robin Hood
Millennium Interactive, 1991
The Secret Of Monkey Island
Lucasfilm Games, 1990
The Secret Of Monkey Island II
LeChuck’s Revenge. Lucasfilm Games, 1991
Their Finest Hour
LucasArt, 1989
Their Finest Missions
Volume 1. Lucasfilm Games, 1989
Winter Gold
Epyx, 1992
3D Pool
Kixx Collection. Firebird, 1989
Action Fighter
Sega, 1986
Action Fighter
Kixx Collection. Sega, 1986
Bionic Commando
Kixx Collection. Capcom, 1987
Kixx Collection. Mirror Soft, 1987
California Games II
Epyx, 1990
Carrier Command
Kixx Collection. Rainbird, 1988
Dragons Of Flame
U.S. Gold, 1989
Kixx Collection. U.S. Gold, 1990
Final Fight
Capcom, 1991
Flimbo´s Quest
System 3, 1990
Gary Lineker Collection
Go For Gold
Epyx, 1988
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Kixx Collection. Lukas Arts, 1989
International Soccer Challenge
Red Rat, 1990
James Pond 2
Robocod. Millennium, 1992
Microprose Soccer
Kixx Collection. MicroProse, 1988
Microprose Soccer
MicroProse, 1988
Panza Kick Boxing
Futura, 1991
Pinball Magic
Loriciel, 1989
Rick Dangerous
Core Design, 1989
Rick Dangerous
Kixx Collection. Core Design, 1989
Rick Dangerous 2
Core Design, 1990
Rick Dangerous 2
Kixx Collection. Core Design, 1990
RVF Honda
Microprose, 1989
Speedball 2
Bitmap Brothers, 1991
Street Fighter
Kixx Collection. Capcom, 1987
Street Fighter
Capcom, 1987
Strider II
U.S. Gold, 1990
Stunt Car Racer
Kixx Collection. MicroProse, 1989
Super Monaco G.P.
Sega, 1990
Storm, 1991
Tennis Cup 2
Loriciel, 1992
Tennis Cup 2
Loriciel, 1992
World Class Leaderboard
Access, 1992
Xenon 2
Megablast. Bitmap Brothers, 1989
Barbarian II
Paladin Software, 1989
Rainbow Arts, 1988
Heroes of the Lance
SSL, 1991
Indiana Jones
And The Last Crusade. LucasArts, 1989
Jake Lowes Ultimate Darts
Gremlin Graphics, 1989
Led Storm
Capcom, 1988
Gremlin, 1990
Super Scramble Simulator
Gremlin, 1989
Thunder Blade
Sega, 1987
Turbo Out run
Sega, 1990
Irem Corp, 1989
World Class Leader Board
Access, 1987
3D Pool
Aardvark Software, 1989
4×4 Off-road Racing
Epyx, 1988
10th Frame
Access Software, 1987
Atari Games, 1986
Capcom, 1987
Ace Of Aces
U.S. Gold, 1986
Action Fighter
Micro Prose, 1989
Airbourne Ranger
Micro Prose, 1987
Thalamus, 1988
Gremlin, 1986
The Ultimate Warrior. Palace Software, 1987
Barbarian II
The Dungeon Of Drax. Palace Software, 1989
Filmation LTD, 1987
California Games
”Red Tape”. Epyx, 1987
California Games
”Black Tape”. Epyx, 1987
Championship Wrestling
Epyx, 1986
Crystal Castles
Atari, 1986
Hewson, 1988
Thalamus, 1987
Flimbo´s Quest
System 3, 1990
Footballer Of The Year
(Black Tape) Gremlin, 1986
Footballer Of The Year
(White Tape) Gremlin, 1986
Forgotten Worlds
Capcom, 1989
Gary Lineker’s Hot-Shot
Gremlin, 1989
Gary Lineker’s Superskills
Gremlin, 1988
Gary Lineker’s Superstar Soccer
Gremlin, 1987
Atari Games, 1985
Gauntlet II
Atari Games, 1986
Micro Prose, 1988
Accolade, 1986
Thalamus, 1988
Hunter´s moon
Thalamus, 1987
Impossible Mission II
(Black Print) Epyx, 1988
Impossible Mission II
(Red Print) Epyx, 1988
Indiana Jones
And TheLast Crusade. Lucas Film, 1989
Indiana Jones
And The Temple Of Doom. Lucas Film, 1985
C.G. Enterprises, 1986
Jack The Nipper
Gremlin, 1986
Jack The Nipper II
In Coconut Capers. Gremlin, 1987
Gremlin, 1988
Last Duel
Capcom, 1989
Access Inc, 1986
Namco, 1985
Monty on the Run
Gremlin, 1986
Mission Elevator
Eurogold, 1986
Multimixx 1
Access, 1991
Multimixx 2
Access, 1991
Multimixx 3
Capcom, 1991
Multimixx 4
Atari Games, 1991
Multimixx 5
Gremlin, 1992
System 3, 1989
Night Raider
Gremlin, 1988
Out Run
Sega, 1988
Pitstop II
Epyx, 1984
Thalamus, 1987
Road Blasters
Atari Games, 1988
Road Runner
”Black Tape” Atari Games, 1985
Road Runner
”Red Tape” Atari Games, 1985
Rolling Thunder
Namco, 1986
Side Arms
Capcom, 1987
Skate Crazy
Gremlin, 1988
Solomon´s Key
Tecmo, 1986
Spy Hunter
Bally Midway, 1983
st dragon
Storm Entertainment, 1990
Street Fighter
Capcom, 1987
Stunt Car Racer
Micro Style, 1989
Summer Camp
Thalamus, 1990
Summer Games
Epyx, 1984
Super cycle
Epyx, 1986
Super Monaco GP
Sega, 1991
Super Scramble Simulator
Gremlin, 1989
Gremlin, 1988
Sales Curve, 1991
Techno Cop
Gremlin, 1988
The Games
Winter Edition. Epyx, 1988
Thunder Blade
Sega, 1988
Tiger Road
Capcom, 1987
Turbo Out Run
Sega, 1989
Rainbow Arts, 1990
Irem, 1988
Way Of The Tiger
Gremlin, 1986
Winter Games
Epyx, 1984
World Class Leaderboard
Access, 1987
World Games
(Red Tape) Epyx, 1989
World Games
(Black Tape) Epyx, 1989
The Lineker Collection
Gremlin. 1992
road Runner
Atari Games. 1985
Battlehawks 1942
Lukas Games. 1992
cruise for a corpse (Fr)
(Maxi 18) Delphine Software International, 1991
Daughter of Serpents
Millennium. 1992
Duke Nukem 3D
Eidos. 1996
F-19 stealth fighter
NOS, MicroProse. 1990
Gunship (It)
Futura, MicroProse. 1988
Heart Of China
Dynamix, 1991
Links (IT)
Futura, Access, 1991
Operation Stealth
Delphine Software International, 1990
MicroProse, 1987
Pirates! (Fr)
(Maxi 23) MicroProse, 1987
Police Quest
Sierra On-Line, 1993
Police Quest 3
The Kindred. Sierra On-Line 1995
Police Quest 3 (Fr)
The Kindred. (Maxi 13) Sierra On-Line 1995
Secret Weapons Of The Luftwaffe
Lucasfilm Games, 1991
Secret Weapons Of The Luftwaffe
Addon. Lucasfilm Games, 1992
Space quest I
Roger Wilco in the Sarien Encounter. Sierra On-Line 1991
Space quest IV
Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers. Sierra On-Line 1991
Space quest IV (Fransk)
Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers. Sierra On-Line 1991
The Journeyman Project 2
Buried in Time. Sanctuary Woods, 1995
Total Mania
Roger Wilco and the Eidos Interactive 1996
Under A Killing Moon
Access Software. 1994
Witchaven II
Blood Vengeance. Capstone Software, 1996
3D Pool
Kixx Collection. Firebird, 1989
Action Fighter
Kixx Collection. Sega, 1986
Bionic Commando
Kixx Collection. Capcom, 1987
Kixx Collection. Mirror Soft, 1987
Carrier Command
Kixx Collection. Rainbird, 1988
Kixx Collection. U.S. Gold, 1990
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Kixx Collection. Lucas Arts. 1989
Microprose Soccer
Kixx Collection. MicroProse 1988
Rick Dangerous
Kixx Collection. Core Design, 1989
Rick Dangerous 2
Kixx Collection. Core Design, 1990
Stunt Car Racer
Kixx Collection. MicroProse, 1989
Thunder Blade
Sega, 1987
Under A Killing Moon
Access Software. 1994
Microplay Software, 1989
3D Pool
Aardvark Software, 1989
Incentive Software, 1987
World Class Leaderboard
Access Software, 1986
Atari Games 1985
4×4 Off-Road Racing
Epyx, 1988
Atari Games, 1986
Barbarian II
The Dungeon of Drax. Palace Software, 1989
Atari Games, 1987
Gauntlet II
Atari Games, 1986
Indiana Jones
And The Last Crusade. Lucasfilm Games, 1989